Reg, die dinge staan nou so: Ons speel die 14de Oktober by Boshimela in Rawsonville en die naweek daarna op Vredenburg by die Visstok saam met Akkedis en Bed on Bricks. Ons doen ook die Sondag ‘n pre-show vir die Neil Young trubute ding in die Beach Bar. Ons moes Vrydagaand by Kaktus speel, maar dis moeilik met die dat hulle sukkel met die dranklisensie. Ons hoop nou Rooikrans, Captains of Terrace laat weet ons ons kan daar kom speel. Dit sal dan neerkom op die tweede Dikazzins-Weskustoer. Ons gaan hopelik nie die keer weer verneuk word nie.
Ander dinge wat ons opgewonde maak, ons record company, DPK, vat ons op toer saam met Zinkplaat, Die Helde, Foto na Dans andere. Ons toer tussen 22 Des en 8 Jan van Hermanus tot in Port Alfred. Dit gaan mal wees. Hou die pers dop, daar sal taamlik geadverteer word.
Dan, BAIE BELANGRIK, koop die cds, anders kan ons nie gaan toer nie. Bestel sommer hier onder, los ‘n comment of iets.
Dan ietsie amussant oor ons tuisdorp, spesiaal vir die Diksnaar:
There exists, within the untamed wilderness that is the dark continent of Africa a strange and mysterious place known as "Stellenbosch". It is within this haven of peace and tranquility that many have found shelter from the savagery of the beasts of Africa, (the fearsome lion, the bear, the tiger, oh my) and it is here that can be found an institution some claim is older than the divergence of the continents and at least 3.5 times as exciting: Stellenbosch University.
Stellenbosch was discovered in 1600 when a number of colonists from some repressive colonial country whose name we reject as anethema to our ancestors and consider worthy only to be spat on blundered upon its untamed and majesterial beauty and then promptly proceeded to collect all natural resources, repress the native people who were kind and peaceful and had cured the common cold through use of herbs, oils and bits of puppy. The natives were scattered across the world and forced to perform demeaning and thankless tasks for their cruel task-masters, like writing Britney Spears songs or authoring little-read Uncyclopedia articles. The Colonial Oppressors (although they prefer the term Human Freedom Restrictors) then named that (formally) untamed wilderness "Stellenbosch", from the latin 'Stellenbosch' which means "Stellenbosch".
After a passage of 400 years the untamed had become tame, the wilderness had become merely ness, which is not nearly as scary and incidently quite a nice sandwich spread. The rest of Africa remained a backward and cruel land. All except the legendary city of East London (which is not in London, nor is it east of London). Here there is perpetual peace and people go to bed at 21:00 cause all the coffee shops have closed and the shopping centres are very, very tiny and nobody drives for more than 15 minutes at a time, but I digress.
Stellenbosch University
Stellenbosch University was built by an advanced civilisation in the distant past. And I'm not talking about Edwardian England, "isn't this a great new horse-collar" type of advanced, I'm talking alien civilisation, "how did they get that pyramid to look so pointy" type of advanced. Today it's super advanced structures are inhabited by a race of people who have a culture and language that is vastly different from any other culture in the known universe: "Afrikaans".
The Afrikaans people say they originate from Dutch settlers, but they're not fooling anyone, this is a weird and incomprehensible people group, capable of producing things both of great beauty (like milk tart, or the elusive "melk-kos" which translates as "milk food") and things of the most terrible nature (like the Kurt Darren.)